From February to June 2004 I worked with the Bristol ferry company to make work based on the experience of the ferry and ideas
of journey.
The works made relating to the ferry included a video of water movement and a sound recording of ferry noise. With these
I was trying to replicate the experience of the ferry. An evening event was held with the aim of encouraging people to look
around them. On the evening the participants wrote a story (each adding a few lines) about their experience of the ferry.
They were also invited to listen to a sound recording, enabling them to have a conversation with the ferry boat Matilda.
The final piece in the ferry series was a temporary site-specific piece entitled 'journey'. It was a long drawn out handwritten
account of the view through the ferry window on the first stage of its journey from the city centre to Hotwells. This was
displayed on the ferry for one day in May 2004.